
I just released Galaxia 1.7.0 [1] for gNewSense GNU/Linux 3, aka Parkes.

This version updates the Web site theme with the following changes:

1. Extract wiki theme plugin translations from MoinMoin translation
   catalogs in MoinMoin/i18n directory or from dictionary pages [2]
   instead of using a hardcoded translation dictionary.
2. Change icon used for external links in the wiki theme. Now it is more
   subtle and appears after the link text.
3. Use MoinMoin.i18n.wikiLanguages instead of the translation_languages
   variable in the wiki configuration file.

With change (1), contributors that would like to see the main navigation
bar of the website in their language have to create a MoinMoin dictionary
page. The documentation has intructions on how to create it [3].

With change (3), Sam is not required to update the translation_languages
dictionary (which can be deleted after installing this version). The
translations widget will list all the languages supported by MoinMoin,
using MoinMoin.i18n.wikiLanguages function instead. I decided to do it this
way because dictionary pages required for change (1) only work for
languages already supported by MoinMoin.

After installing this version, "Chinese Taiwan" (zh-TW) users/translators
will find that the main navigation of the website will display in English
even if there is a ChineseTaiwanDict with the appropriate translations.
This is due to a bug in MoinMoin translation catalog for that language.
This bug, however, has been reported, fixed and the fix will be available
in MoinMoin 1.9.8 update [4]. Until the update is released and installed in
gNewSense website, it is possible to use the simple workaround described in
the bug report [4].

Malayalam (ml) users/translators will find that their language is not even
listed. This is because MoinMoin is not localized to Malayalam yet. So,
translators should help translate MoinMoin into Malayalam [5] to have their
language included in gNewSense website again. This will take some time, but
many people could benefit from having MoinMoin in that language. There's a
simple workaround for this issue, though:

1. Copy MoinMoin/i18n/en.MoinMoin.po and paste it as
2. Open MoinMoin/i18n/ml.MoinMoin.po and update the metadata:

    "Language: ml\n"
    "X-Language: മലയാളം\n"
    "X-Language-in-English: Malayalam\n"

3. Restart the wiki.

This way, Malayalam will be listed in the translations widget and the
MalayalamDict page can be used to translate the website main navigation.

And that's it,

[1]: https://bitbucket.org/sirgazil/galaxia/downloads
[2]: http://moinmo.in/HelpOnDictionaries
[5]: http://moinmo.in/MoinDev/Translation

Galaxia website: https://bitbucket.org/sirgazil/galaxia/
Galaxia documentation: http://galaxia.rtfd.org/
Galaxia issues: https://bitbucket.org/sirgazil/galaxia/issues/

Luis Felipe López Acevedo
gNewSense-dev mailing list

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