Op Wed, 27 Aug 2014 12:46:54 +0530
schreef arnuld uttre <arnuld.miz...@gmail.com>:

> I see this is unassigned to no one:
> https://savannah.nongnu.org/bugs/?39671
> If I want to work on it what I need to do ?

The package is fully non-free. That means we must blacklist it, which
has already been done. That's the only technical measure we can take.

What remains to be done is convincing the copyright holder(s) to
publish the software under a free license. That usually involves
sending them an email that explains the what and why of gNewSense, how
that relates to their software and what they can do to help us. Any
free software license is a good, but in this case the Artistic License
2.0 would be logical choice.

If you do convince them it would be nice if they would not tell only
you, but also everybody else, e.g. with a VCS commit or in a license
statement of a new release.

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