Op Fri, 5 Sep 2014 18:03:36 +0530
schreef arnuld uttre <arnuld.miz...@gmail.com>:

> 1) I see Firifox 31.0 binay (downloaded from official site)  works on
> my gNewSense 3.1 installation  (amd64) without any issues.  It means
> compiling from source will work too. So I thought I could get the
> source code and compil/build it the way gNewSense does for removing
> non-free stuff. but I need to have some manual that gNewSense
> developers follow.

Compiling Firefox/IceCat is not for the faint of heart [1]. For
gNewSense we have the advantage that Debian did most of the work for
us, i.e. wrap it in a package and solve the dependencies. We just tweak
some of the settings (e.g. don't point to addons.mozilla.org). Compiling
a source package is merely invoking debuild (well, almost). Compiling
from source tarball probably means dependency hell.

> 2) Debian Sid already  has Iceweasel 31 in their repo (.deb package)
> but of course it requires you to puh sid repo it /etc/apt/sources.list
> which may break many other things.  Can I use it to build a package
> for gNewSense ?

You'll find yourself with similar dependency troubles.

[1] http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-gnuzilla/2014-08/msg00002.html

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