Dear Sam.

you might have already noticed that the Bootsplash shows duplicate
entries/an overlap.

Yes, thanks for reminding me. I got distracted by the Iceweasel issue.
I'll build another installer image.

Icedove is also missing. Is there any reason for that?

Iceweasel is available now and installation went through fine (besides
the known Grub sda/sdb bug). Icedove is still missing in the repo.
icedove-l10n- packages are there.

Iceweasel itself starts but does not work as expected. Buttons cannot be
pressed, menus are not displayed.

For GDM3, please add aurora-backgrounds and aurora-icon-theme ad
dependency in to the task. I have also added a small patch for

There is no Aurora GTK3 theme available and there was no plan to create
one. I would even like to suggest to drop gtk2-engines-aurora as it's
actually used nowhere (at least for what we are planning to ship by

I would also prefer the Aurora wallpaper for both GDM3 and the actual
desktop. gns-inside was planned as an opitonal addition.

I still have to figure out how to predefine the GNOME background and
will come back to you on that.

aurora-wide.svg should be added to desktop-base package in:


and priority should be set to highest (e.g. 70) in postinst of desktop-base.

Concerning the default background in GNOME: desktop-base already ships an override /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/10_desktop-base.gschema.override which links to /usr/share/images/desktop-base/desktop-background.xml but this one does not exist.

I guess it should link to /usr/share/gnome-background-properties/debian.xml instead. I am going to check on an original wheezy system and report back.


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