Hello Sam,

I look forward to participating again in helping with gNewSense5.
I imagine the kind of freedom bugs I worked in 4 are going to be a

Will gNewSense5 be based on Debian Jessie version 8.6?

On my development machine does it makes sense for me to start by
installing Jessie 8.6?

Regarding learning how to use the Builder approach is their some primer
or other learning material from the Debian or other sites?


On Mon, 2016-10-17 at 09:10 +0200, Sam Geeraerts wrote:
> I've updated the project page for gNS 5 [1]. I'm replicating the plan
> of approach below (wiki syntax). Those who are interested in helping
> should sign up as a gNewSense member on Savannah to get VCS write
> access.
> We will want to have Ucclia and Ucclia+1 in a single repo, so that
> users won't have to change URLs in sources.list. So checking how we can
> merge multiple repos is an important factor in the success of the
> Builder approach.
> == Plan of approach ==
>  1. Set up VCS repo.
>   1. Push Builder code back to Savannah.
>   1. Announce on gnewsense-dev and assemble interested contributors.
>   1. Give contributors write access to VCS repo.
>   1. Create branch for every contributor. Sam acts as gatekeeper to
> master.
>  1. Builder acts on a single distribution. Find a way to merge multiple
> distributions into 1.
>  1. Update Builder to Debian.
>   1. Strip down Builder to its core (remove gen scripts etc.)
>   1. Update Builder for Debian without -security.
>   1. Update Builder for Debian with security.
>   1. Write package modifiers.
>    1. Use Builder's packages/ mechanism (so we can have packages-ucclia
> style development) or use gen-scripts?
>  1. Go live with new repo.
>  1. Make Builder deb package.
> [1] http://www.gnewsense.org/DevelopmentProjects/Gnewsense5
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