Le Friday 04 December 2009 13:42:24 Sam Geeraerts, vous avez écrit :

> Christophe Pisteur schreef:
> > Hello,
> > 
> > Thank for all you do. I still have a similar probleme as the message
> > below. I get a new computer and I did install gNS 2.3 (of course), so
> > I mean: it is a fresh installation (on my old computer everything
> > works). At the first ubdapte (after installation), I receive this
> > message:
> > 
> > Impossible de récupérer
> > http://ch.archive.gnewsense.org/gnewsense/dists/deltah-security/main/source/Sources.bz2
> > Somme de contrôle de hachage incohérente Impossible de récupérer
> > http://ch.archive.gnewsense.org/gnewsense/dists/deltah-security/universe/source/Sources.bz2
> > Somme de contrôle de hachage incohérente Le téléchargement de
> > quelques fichiers d'index a échoué, ils ont été ignorés, ou les
> > anciens ont été utilisés à la place.
> > 
> > (unable to get "...")
> > 
> > I receive the same message when I switch to the main server:
> > 
> > Impossible de récupérer
> > http://archive.gnewsense.org/gnewsense/dists/deltah-security/main/source/Sources.bz2
> > Somme de contrôle de hachage incohérente Impossible de récupérer
> > http://archive.gnewsense.org/gnewsense/dists/deltah-security/universe/source/Sources.bz2
> > Somme de contrôle de hachage incohérente Le téléchargement de
> > quelques fichiers d'index a échoué, ils ont été ignorés, ou les
> > anciens ont été utilisés à la place.
> I just refreshed the package indexes on my machine and I don't see this 
> problem. I tried with both the main and the European server.

I cann't explain wy, but I still have the same message, even now... 
I trie both servers, and one or two other (in Europe). 

I tried to reinstall everything a second time. And after the first message of 
error (up), I update my system without the package who doesn't work, and a 
second message comes: 

W: Failed to fetch 
  404 Not Found

I also refreshed the package indexes on my old machine and the problem is, en 
fact, the same... but nothing goes wrong with the update (perhaps because I use 
linux- ?)

> > I beleve the probleme it still with the
> > linux-image-2.6.24-24-generic, because when I ignore the message and
> > install the other packages, this is this package who stay in the list
> > of "update to do". And my system become unstable.
> We're still looking into the linux-image problem. How does your system 
> become unstable?

The message of error is:

"Ubuntu is running in low graphics mode. Your screen and graphics card could 
not be detected correctly".

After connecting, and when I want to shut down, I had to do a hard reset. 

But after the installation (so: before the first update), everything were ok 
(graphic card, etc.)


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