Hi, just thought I'd point people at a tool that may be useful in tracking down the cause of the periodic i/o bug mentioned at: https://savannah.nongnu.org/bugs/?28387
The fsfuzzer tool does stress tests of various filesystems in a reproducible and logged way. For some reason it isn't working with ext2 or ext3 (I think it is just some sillyness with debian differing from redhat in exact names of commands or something), but using the cramfs tests it seems to cause a hard lockup on the yeeloong consistently (using 2.6.32). I also tried running it on my x86_64 box running 2.6.28, where it worked fine (ran to completion without causing any system problems). It is available from: http://people.redhat.com/sgrubb/files/fsfuzzer-0.7.tar.gz To compile you need to: sudo aptitude install libattr1-dev I'll be trying other things later, but thought this might be useful to someone who knows how to debug the kernel, linux, as it seems to hit the same bug as the rsync does but in a faster time and in a more reproducible and easier to set up way. Cheers, -- Daniel JB Clark | Sys Admin, Free Software Foundation pobox.com/~dclark | http://www.fsf.org/about/staff#danny _______________________________________________ gNewSense-users mailing list gNewSense-users@nongnu.org http://lists.nongnu.org/mailman/listinfo/gnewsense-users