On Sat, 6 Feb 2010 20:44:02 +0100
Jan Prunk <janpr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi !
> I am wondering if I could contribute in mirroring your distribution.

Fantastic :)

> I am interested about the size of your archive.
> I just checked http://www.gnewsense.org/index.php?n=Mirrors.Mirrors ,
> but this information isn't shared there.


archive:/data/pub# du -hs cdimage gnewsense gnewsense-metad/
13G     cdimage
49G     gnewsense
68G     gnewsense-metad/

These are currently separate rsync targets, and mirror structures, but
hopefully sometime in the next few months they will be merged into one.
Also of note, is -metad will grow another ~15GB if a PPC port is
started, and the 50gb of gnewsense will probably 'go away' when 3.x is
released. (It'll get moved into an 'old releases' repository with the
1.x series source code).

> Kind regards,
> Jan Prunk

Karl Goetz, (Kamping_Kaiser / VK5FOSS)
Debian contributor / gNewSense Maintainer
No, I won't join your social networking group

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