On Sun, 21 Feb 2010 04:29:47 -0500
Daniel Clark <dcl...@pobox.com> wrote:

> Karl Goetz wrote:
> > On Tue, 16 Feb 2010 21:28:24 +0200
> > Lars Nooden <lars.cura...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > 
> >> The installation process seems to be a bit different for the
> >> Yeeloong than for the FuLoong.
> >>
> >> Using initrd and vmlinux from this address:
> >>
> >> http://archive.gnewsense.org/gnewsense-metad/installer/current/mipsel/loongson/netboot/
> >>
> >> The first three steps are the same when installing from USB
> >>
> >>    enter pmon
> >>    load (usb0,0)/boot/vmlinux-
> >>    initrd (usb0,0)/boot/initrd.gz
> >>
> >> However, on the Yeeloong, the following works but on the FuLoong,
> >> it seems to freeze up:
> >>
> >>    g console=tty no_auto_cmd
> >>
> >> How should the netboot install proceed on the FuLong?
> >>
> >> Regards
> >> /Lars
> > 
> > we don't support it. afaik you need to rebuild linux (although
> > perhaps the .32 or .33 will run on fuloong).
> > kk
> They both will, but afaik .32 needs to be compiled for it
> specifically; .33 might do it in a nicer way (since support got
> upstream instead of being a seperate branch hack.) Should be obvious
> from the "make menuconfig" menus.
> Lars - Please update with what you get done with this; I'll be hacking
> on it a bunch myself when my Lemote order gets to me in a few weeks.

If it turns out to be installable on fuloong, perhaps a wiki page, or
updates to the yeeloong wiki page would be handy.

> Note that there is a blob in PMON to do some VGA initialization; we're
> trying to get that removed - it's unclear at this point if that will
> stop VGA from working altogether or only stop PMON stuff from
> displaying on the screen; but Fuloong has a serial port, so should be
> useful as a server even without any VGA output.

if it can be removed/zeroed and still have a working system, that would
be really handy.

Karl Goetz, (Kamping_Kaiser / VK5FOSS)
Debian contributor / gNewSense Maintainer
No, I won't join your social networking group

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