On Sun, 14 Mar 2010 03:38:38 +0100 (CET)
Ralph Baumfalk <aufschwung...@web.de> wrote:

> Hi all!
> This is my problem:
> I can`t access my favourite Webradio-Shows with the GNewsense-tools
> (Rythmbox) or with the browser. For example koqx - Bluesradio.
> http://www.koqx.com/koqx.m3u
> With kalx I have the same problem.
> Is this a browser-problem ?
> Is the Epiphany - browser unable to deal with a m3u-file?

.m3u is a playlist file and most browsers hand them off to the media
player. You will need to make sure that you have mp3 support installed
and then either use the url to set up an Internet radio Station in
Rhythmbox or you can install VLC which handles .m3u's nicely. 

To see if you have mp3 support installed just try to play an mp3 in
rhythmbox. if it doesn't play it you can find the instructions on
installing the correct codecs @
http://wiki.gnewsense.org/ForumMain/Totem along with a nice discussion
on why MP3 should be avoided. If you can find a station that supports
streaming in ogg. If you can't, drop the radio stations a line and
suggest that supporting .ogg would be better and possibly cheaper for
them as they wouldn't need to mp3 licenses/royalties.

You may also need to set epiphany up to send the .m3u's to either
rhythmbox, Totem, or VLC.

Hope this helps,


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