"Jason Self" <ja...@bluehome.net> writes:
> Lars Nooden <lars.cura...@gmail.com> wrote ..
>> Is there a two-sided trifold available summarizing the goals and
>> benefits of gNewSense?
> No one's created anything that I know of. If you want to make one go ahead. :)

If you're going to use TeX, you'll discover that TeX is really really bad at
making two-sided trifolds.  The only project I've found that have done it
with TeX is NetBSD:

I'm documenting my efforts here:

There's not much additional info at the moment, but if I learn anything new,
that's where I'll add it.  And it's a public wiki, so information
contributions are sought.

Ciarán O'Riordan, +32 487 64 17 54, http://ciaran.compsoc.com

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