M. R. S. schreef:
Hello, I'm a real complete amateur with computers, only know how to use some
features of Windows.

Now i want to start using free software and after much struggle could burn
the liveCD. i tried to boot the computer and in principle succeeded, but
when offered the options press F1 or enter to boot and i press enter, there
appears a message that says "press help for a list of commands" and i write
"help" and i see the list of commands and don't know what to do with it.
Then there is always a line starting with "initramfs" waiting for me to
write something, but nothing works.

any solution?

Maybe there's a setting in your BIOS [1] that needs to be changed. Look for ACPI.

For a more failsafe way to boot enter

linux noapic nolapic acpi=off irqpoll pci=noacpi pnpbios=off

at the boot prompt. You can also try with any of those options individually, but always include "linux" (so "linux noapic" is also a valid boot command).

[1] How to get into your BIOS differs per pc. Usually hitting Del or F2 right after power up. Look in your manual or messages on the screen.

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