
Does anyone contribute/add/change things on the OpenStreetMap project?
If yes, what tools do you use? On my Lemote Yeeloong computer I've tried
JOSM a bit, but due to it's taking a lot of time to start, I sometimes
use Merkaartor 0.14.1. To my knowledge both JOSM and merkaartor are free

In that project(openstreetmap) there are to my knowledge two major map
editors. 1 is Potlatch which depends on proprietary software like
Flash.(I once made it run using gnash somewhat so I think there is some
hope that it can be used instead. If anyone was successful using it with
gnash please tell me.) 2 JOSM (Java OpenStreetMap editor) which depends
on OpenJDK which can be found(OpenJDK) on both gNS 2.3 and gNS mips64

Even if there is anyone who has been involved but left for some reason I
would even be glad to hear reasons.

I'm looking forward to hear(read) from you,


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