Hi all

As you probably know, at 2011-01-25 the Document foundation [1] has
released the first LibreOffice [2] stable release (LibreOffice 3.3).

I have tested it on my gNS 2.3 machine and... it works perfectly!

Please, let me suggest you to use LibreOffice (it comes from an
independent Foundation) instead of OpenOffice (it comes from Oracle,
a company which has not a properly "friendly" approach to the free

In the hope it could help, here below I have summarized the
installation process I did successfully (downloading LO deb's archives
directly from the LO site, without using any PPA or other
external/unofficial repository):

1) Download [3] the general 'installer' archive and the localized
'langpack' and 'helppack' archives for your language, selecting in the
downloading form: 'Linux x86 (deb)' and the localization for your

The dowloaded files should be:
- LibO_3.3.0_Linux_x86_install-deb_en-US.tar.gz (~146 MB, installer)
- LibO_3.3.0_Linux_x86_langpack-deb_it.tar.gz (~3 MB, it locale)
- LibO_3.3.0_Linux_x86_helppack-deb_it.tar.gz (~10 MB, it locale)
(note that 'it' is for the Italian localization... you should select
the right locale your language instead).

2) Remove any previous installation of LibreOffice and OpenOffice,
using your preferred package manager (usually synaptic, aptitude or

3) Put the dowloaded LO archives within a (new) folder, naming
it (the folder) something as: 'libreoffice-x86-deb-3.3.0'. 
Then unpack each of this archives. Unpacking will result in three
folders (xx will be your language code):
- LibO_3.3.0_Linux_x86_install-deb_en-US
- LibO_3.3.0_Linux_x86_langpack-deb_xx
- LibO_3.3.0_Linux_x86_helppack-deb_xx

4) To install the "core" LO software:
- open a terminal 
- cd to the 'LibO_3.3.0_Linux_x86_install-deb_en-US' folder
- cd to its 'DEBS' subfolder
- enter the command: 
  sudo dpkg -i *.deb
 (this should install LO)
- cd to the 'desktop-integration' subfolder in 'DEBS'
- enter the command: 
  sudo dpkg -i *.deb 
  (this should install the LO incons it the application menu)

5) To install the LO localization for the xx language (being xx your
language code):
- cd to the 'LibO_3.3.0_Linux_x86_langpack-deb_xx'
- cd to its 'DEBS' subfolder
- enter the command: 
  sudo dpkg -i *.deb
 (this should install the xx localization)

6) To install the LO help files for the xx language (being xx your
language code):
- cd to the 'LibO_3.3.0_Linux_x86_helppack-deb_xx'
- cd to its 'DEBS' subfolder
- enter the command: 
  sudo dpkg -i *.deb
 (this should install the xx localization for the LO help sistem)

That's all!


[1] http://www.documentfoundation.org/
[2] http://www.libreoffice.org/
[3] http://www.libreoffice.org/download/

al3xu5 / dotcommon
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