Stayvoid wrote:

I'm trying to install gNewSense to Yeeloong.

I copied this image [1] to my USB-stick via dd.
How to load it from PMON's shell?
I haven't found a way to do it. That's why I also tried to install via
netboot [2].

Netboot's installer can't download the needed files.
"Download installer components" and "Choose a mirror of Debian
archive" output "Bad archive mirror."

Installing Metad is known to be broken.

"Configure the network" succeeded for the first time, but further
attempts failed with the same error message.

I prefer to debootstrap. (So I'd like to know how to load the image [1].)
Despite this we should find a fix for the mentioned error (for those
who prefer the installer).

I believe Parkes' debootstrap script [a] works when using the beta server. I'll point out that Parkes on the Yeeloong hasn't even reached alpha stage yet [b].


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