
Thank you for allowing me to join your community. I've spent many hours
researching distros and coming to understand the concept of Free and open
source. Read a lot about Richard Stallman and Free Software Foundation
(FSF). I found your distro on FSF as it was recommended there.

I'd like to participate but have many questions. Do you have a live IRC
channel I can access without a lot of hassle? Or perhaps a forum? I ask
because I was going to join up with Parabola distribution but their website
is extremely secure as well as everything else including their IRC and I
spent about an hour just trying to access their IRC channel to get help but
had no success. Not a good way to start. I understand that they specialize
in security but its way over the top. I just want to get started in Linux
and help support a good distro.

Thank you
Wally NJ USA   p.s.where are you based out of?
gNewSense-users mailing list

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