ok, then I was not well informed (I thought metad was the stablest release
at the moment) I'll get the parkes installer and if it's useful perhaps
i'll try out to snapshot the system

well job, gnewsense is the system I want. :-)

2012/9/19 Sam Geeraerts <sam...@elmundolibre.be>

> Joaquín Cuéllar wrote:
>> Hi everybody!
>> I've been trying out gnewsense for months with my *lemote yeelong*, and it
>> has been frustrating because the debian installation
>> bug<https://savannah.nongnu.**org/bugs/?32865<https://savannah.nongnu.org/bugs/?32865>>is
>> not repaired yet, and
>> i've been migrating from a fully operational
>> debian machine (with a lot of packages mismatches and errors already
>> unsolved)
>> So I come here with a question/proposal , and it's why not to provide an
>> already fully operational system instead the installation files? I've just
>> installed gentoo and they provide a very easy (and stable) installation
>> method 
>> <http://www.gentoo.org/proj/**en/base/mips/yeeloong.xml<http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/base/mips/yeeloong.xml>
>> >
> Although a lot of effort was put in Metad, it never really got to a state
> where it was ready for release (and so there never was an actual official
> release). The repository was kept online for those who had installed it.
> When Debian Lenny (on which it's based) was deprecated, it became less
> justifiable to spend time on it with our small team, in part because we
> already began work on a Squeeze based version (Parkes) to keep up.
> Meanwhile, I've been focussing on Parkes (see gnewsense-dev mailing list
> for progress reports). Producing an image that can just be extracted to
> disk (like Gentoo) might have been a bit less work than creating an
> installer. But my estimate was that there would be requests for the
> flexibility of an installer anyway, so I chose to work on that. Anyone
> feeling a great need for an extractable image after I will have officially
> released Parkes can open a bug report for it (and contribute to making it
> happen if he can).
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