2013/1/6 Felipe Lopez <felipe.lo...@gmail.com>

> 2013/1/6 Felipe Lopez <felipe.lo...@gmail.com>
>> 2013/1/6 Umeda Mitsunori <m.um...@green.email.ne.jp>
>>> Hi List
>> Umedaさん、おはようございます。gNewSense共同体にようこそ!
>>> I'm not good at understanding English. So,please,write reply this e-mail
>>> by plainly.
>>> I knew gNewSense from...
>>> http://www.gnu.org/distros/free-distros.html
>>> So,I want to install gNewSense to my PC.
>>> <Question>
>>> 1:Where iso image(not Live CD/DVD,for install images)? Teach me URL
>> This is the current stable version of gNewSense:
>> http://www.gnewsense.org/Main/Download
>> That ISO image is both: a Live CD to try out the system and all the
>> necessary files to install the complete system.
>>> 2:I want to use gNewSense by Japanse languege. Can I choose
>>> Japanese languege at install of CD/DVD?
>> I think you can, but I'm not completely sure.
> I just checked by myself, and yes you can choose Japanese in the
> installation process:
> http://introsmedia.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/gns_2-3-nihongo_installation.jpg
> After installation is done, most of your system will be in Japanese. In my
> case, some parts of the interface were in English, so I had to install the
> language packages for 日本語.

Umedaさん, follow these steps to activate Japanese writing:

1. Go to システム → システム → 言語サポート.
2. Select 日本語 in the list of languages and click OK button
   (see the image:
   It will take some time to download. Close the 言語サポート window when you
   finish downloading.
3. Go to システム → 設定 → SCIM入力メソッド設定.
4. Make sure it look like mine:
5. Press OK button.
6. Open any text editor or any program where you can write.
6. Now you can alternate between roumaji and 日本語 pressing Ctrl+Spacebar

> After this, everything seems to be in Japanese now.
> http://introsmedia.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/gns_2-3_login_nihongo.jpg
> http://introsmedia.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/gns_2-3_nihongo_desktop.jpg
> --
> Luis Felipe Lopez Acevedo <http://sirgazil.info/>

Felipe Lopez <http://sirgazil.info/>
gNewSense-users mailing list

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