> Hello!
> Dnia 2013-04-02, wto o godzinie 13:28 +0200, Joaqu?n Cu?llar pisze:
> > Hi everybody,
> >
> > I'm not sure if it's here the place to make questions, but here I go
> > (if not, next time)
> This is the best place to ask questions ;)
> > In a fresh gnewsense parkes installation arch:Mipsel (lemote yeelong)
> > my common user is not in the sudo/gksudo group :-S
> > I've searched the synaptic menu command and it does a su-to-root (It's
> > the first time I look this)
> > Is it normal? is it safer? Is it a bug?
> >
> I don't think it's a bug. Indeed useradd does not append user to the
> sudo group, but sudo is configured in a way which gives users that are
> members of the "sudo" group more power, so you can just add your user to
> this group (with usermod  -G sudo -a username). However (in my humble
> opinion) much safer is such a sudo configuration, which forces asking
> for a password, disable timeouts, etc. For example:
> user    hostname=       PASSWD:/bin/su
> in my opinion is much better than
> user    ALL=(ALL) ALL
> So you can't do "sudo -s -H" to run root's shell, but "sudo su -" will
> do the trick.
> And adding
> Defaults        timestamp_timeout=0
> is always a good practice. Please look at "man sudoers" for more details
> on sudo configuration.
> Of course if a user is not allowed to run particular command with sudo
> it won't be allowed to run them with gksudo and any other wrappers, so
> take that into consideration. To sum up: adding your user to the "sudo"
> group will make things "just work", but fine tuned sudo will be safer if
> you have evil cat running through your keyboard ;)
> > thanks everybody!
> Happy hacking!

Hi and thanks for the answer!

I already did it manually, the problem I find is if it would be done by
default with the gnewsense installation or not

I've found very interesting your explanation about security, it's a matter
I really don't know not too deeply

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