
The beta release of gNewSense 3.0 (codename Parkes) is available for
download. There are netboot images for all 3 architectures [1][2][3]
and a live CD for i386 [4]. I'd like some feedback on that first before
I spend time on creating a live CD for amd64.

I also hope to resolve some of the following issues with the live CD

- The Live installer (which can be started with the icon on the live
  desktop) fails at step "Configure the package manager". The text and
  GUI install (started from the boot menu) do work, so you should pick
  one of those if you don't want to use netboot.
- You get a 486 kernel by default. You can install the 686 kernel like
  any other package once you've booted the system.
- Boot menu items Memtest and Help fall off the bottom of the screen,
  though they can be selected.
- The Live installer's top banner is still Debian artwork.

Now, put that torrent client to work!

[4] http://cdimage.gnewsense.org/

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