On Fri JunĀ   7 06:24:41 2013 Sam Geeraerts <sam...@elmundolibre.be> wrote:
> Op Wed, 5 Jun 2013 11:42:01 -0700
> schreef rek2 <rek2gnuli...@gmail.com>:

Hi mate, welcome back!
You will probably find a lot has changed - though not the commitment to freedom 

> > I used to contribute to gNewSense at the start, worked on the KDE
> > part, but I got a new job in San Francisco and
> > moved here and life happen(way to many things to mention, from family
> > member having cancer to a marriage) so I step by step I kind of slip
> > away from the community.
> Must have been before my time.

It was :)

> > Now I have more free time (finally), I notice that I'm not even
> > mention as a Past Contributor, not a big deal but surprises me.
> The WhoHacksWhat page is not so well maintained.

Sorry, my fault - rek was around in my time so i should have made sure he 
appeared there.


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