> I thought about using gNewSense 3.0 Beta 2 but the "Beta" part stopped me.
> Since I don't know what I am doing, I opted for the older version
> hoping it would have more documentation/support.

At the moment we don't yet have documentation for installing gNewSense

You may read this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=282018
to learn a bit about partitioning.


refer this guide: http://www.debian.org/releases/oldstable/i386/

for help with the installation.

patience is your friend here.

The Debian guide might have references to non-free software. We don't
recommend the use of it and encourage you to not install/use it.
rsiddharth <http://rsiddharth.ninth.su>
gpg public key: http://rsiddharth.ninth.su/rsd-pub-key.asc
fingerprint: 7E7E 9403 8F39 796E D9AB  5923 E867 2A45 B6AD 4643

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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