Op Tue, 6 Aug 2013 21:29:35 +0200
schreef Sam Geeraerts <sam...@elmundolibre.be>:

> The stable release of gNewSense 3.0 is a fact.

Some things I forgot to mention.

gNewSense 2 is no longer getting security updates, so I recommend
that everybody move to 3.0. You will have to do a fresh installation.
I'm afraid we don't support and in fact recommend against upgrading by
simply changing your software sources, but I would love to hear from
the brave souls who try it anyway.

The software sources of 3.0 point to our primary server instead of the
secondary servers. I ask that advanced users put the secondary server
locations [1] in their /etc/apt/sources.list. So
"archive.gnewsense.org" (and "beta.gnewsense.org") should be like

gNewSense 2 and gNewSense 3 Beta will be moved or removed in the near
future. I haven't set a hard date yet, but my current plan is the end
of October.

If you need any help with moving to gNewSense 3, please ask.


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