2013/8/11 Sam Geeraerts <sam...@elmundolibre.be>

> Do any of you want to write about the new gNewSense release and are
> looking for some graphics to liven up your article? Our resident artist
> made some promotional images for you to use [1]. If you don't feel like
> writing, but still want to publish something anyway, then you can use
> the HTML page that can serve as a portal to our website.

You can link to the page online now [3]. I'm hosting it in my Libre Flyers
Project [4].

[3]: http://libreflyers.bitbucket.org/projects/gnewsense/3/en/
[4]: https://bitbucket.org/libreflyers/libreflyers.bitbucket.org

> You can download all the artwork at the Galaxia project website [2].
> [1] http://galaxia.readthedocs.org/en/latest/promotional.html
> [2] https://bitbucket.org/sirgazil/galaxia/downloads
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Felipe Lopez
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