On Wed Aug 21 06:30:35 2013 al3xu5 / dotcommon <dotcom...@autistici.org> wrote:
> Il giorno martedì 20/08/2013 20:53:17 CEST
> timawa <tim...@riseup.net> ha scritto:
> > Just installed gNewSense Parkes on my laptop and it works great.
> > I just have a question though: How do I install Icecat 17 on it? I
> > tried the instructions on the wiki but it required a higher dependency
> > than those in the default repository. I added DNS's PPA as Oneiric to
> > get Icecat and successfully got into the repos, but it still required I
> > install dependencies not present in the default repo. Should I add
> > Debian Sid to the repositories to get the updated ones? 

Please do not mix repos like that - badness will ensue!

> gNS3 is based on the oldstable Debian 6 (Squeeze) while IceCat 17
> have dependencies related to the current stable Debian 7 (Wheezy)...

This is the problem. 
It seems backports of debian iceweasel 17 are available (on squeeze, which 
parkes is based on) so it should be possible for icecat to build and install 
icecat 17 on parkes.
How hard that might be i can't comment on unfortunately. 


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