
The retirement of gNewSense 2, a.k.a. DeltaH, is long overdue. It no
longer receives security updates, nor do we want to support it any
longer in other ways. I strongly encourage anyone still using it to
migrate to gNewSense 3. There is no upgrade path from version 2 to
version 3, but you can have them both installed on the same disk. The
installation instruction for gNewSense 3 can be found on the website

The repository for gNewSense 2 will go offline next Friday, 2014-01-03.
Installations of gNewSense 2 will keep on working after that, but you
will no longer be able to install additional software.

[1] http://www.gnewsense.org/Documentation/3/InstallationManual

Sam Geeraerts

gNewSense-users mailing list

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