Hi, I hope someone can help or at least tell me a better place  to look
for help. I usually run gNewSense connected using an Ethernet cable
leading from a shared modem which is relatively new but I also have an
older small dongle Huawei E122 modem which I would like to use when out
and about. Both accounts are with 3G Ireland.

I have dual boot and I use Windows 7 when I really can't find another
way. The E122 works with Windows which must have included a driver for
the modem as it helped me install the modem without there being any
other connection established and I was then able to connect.

But I can't seem to do the same when running gNewSense. I've tried
looking in the repository when connected via the other Modem by
searching for "Huawei", "E122" and "modem". I used to get the same modem
working when I used to use a Knoppix CD although at that time it had a
different SIM card in it (the same one I now use with the working
ethernet modem).

I am a novice with getting things done with the command line but it's a
skill I'm trying to develope, so please make any suggestions you think
might work or perhaps point me in the direction of good


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