Last night I was looking for a program to make a photo album to put on my
web page.  I downloaded several candidates using the Synaptic Package
Manager, and several using a program that has disappeared overnight from
my Applications menu.  After doing so, some of the programs did not appear
on my Applications menu, nor could I invoke them from the command line. 
The they appear as installed on the Synaptic Package Manager.  The
mysterious applications, BTW, were:

        * Gallery
        * cthumb
        * Kphotoalbum

This has happened with other program in the past, but have just shined it
on.  Seems I need to turn and face the problem and do something about it.

What do I need to do to have these packages installed so I can use them? 
It's kind of useless to download and install a program that disappears.

Paul A. Crable.  Portland, Ore.  U.S.A.
paul AT crable DOT us

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