Probably Trisquel already does the job of being the completely FOSS
distro derivated from a Systemd/Debian like OS.

gNewSense project can get more sense if becomes to be an alternative to
all that.

El 29/7/19 a les 17:10, Will Hill ha escrit:
> It would probably be easier to take non free software out of Devuan than it 
> is 
> to take Systemd out of Debian, so I'll be happy if gNewSense continues the 
> easy way.  
> On Sunday 28 July 2019, Sam Geeraerts wrote:
>> I suspect that gNewSense (if it continues) basing on Devuan is more
>> likely that Devuan built on gNewSense.
>> My take on gNewSense was to follow Debian except where non-free software
>> is concerned. So even though I'm not a big fan of systemd myself, I had
>> no plans to do anything about that in gNewSense.
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