SLUG, the Seacoast LUG, meeting in Durham at UNH, will be having a
meeting tonight (Mon 10 Aug)!

  Originally, the topic was going to be "Automatic GeoTagging Digital
Photos from a GPS Track log and serving the result as KML for
GoogleEarth, done entirely in Python", but apparently life intervened.

  I suggested "Recovering presentation material from a failed hard
disk" to Rob, but he came up with something better:

Organization of a Python project
Python packaging in a complex (and evolving) project
    * How do you know what you'll want later?
    * When do you refactor into what you "should have done".
    * Some examples, both good and bad, but probably none that are "perfect".

  Or we'll just hang out and discuss Linux and and Python and FOSS stuff.

  Or all of the above.  :-)

  7 PM in Room 301, Morse Hall, UNH, Durham, NH, US, Earth, Sol
system, Milky Way galaxy.

=== About SLUG ===

 SLUG is the Seacoast Linux User Group, and is a chapter of GNHLUG,
the Greater NH Linux User Group.  Rob Anderson is the SLUG
coordinator, and reliably comes up with interesting topics each month.
 SLUG meets the second Monday of every month, same time, same place.
You can find out more about SLUG and GNHLUG at their websites.

 Meetings take place starting at 7:00 PM.  Meetings are open to all.
The meeting proper ends around 9ish, but it's not uncommon to find
hangers-on there until 10 or later.  They take place in Room 301 (the
third floor conference room), of Morse Hall, at the University of New
Hampshire, in Durham.
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