Reposting Nick Plante's announcement to the Ruby group:

As mentioned on the email list, our October meeting will be held on the 22nd this month due to some scheduling conflicts. Join us at RMC Research <> at 7PM to hear our friend Dan Pickett <> of Enlight Solutions present his talk "From Wetware to Code -- How's Your Process?"

   "We spend so much time focusing on conventional programming.
   Everyone focuses on standards, code clarity, testing, and what gems
   to use. Let's chat about what's done before your fingers hit the
   keys. Let's talk about brainstorming, requirements, stakeholders,
   mock-ups, and writing solid user stories and acceptance tests with
   Cucumber. Every project has a story -- how will your next one end?"

I can certainly say that Cucumber <> has changed the way that I approach software development, personally. This is sure to be a good talk, and something you don't have to be a hardcore Ruby fanatic to get a lot out of either --- the techniques and tools Dan will be talking about are useful to anyone doing software development on the web. Cucumber, for example, works great for Java, .NET, Flex or web applications written in any language. So tell your friends and coworkers, and we hope to see you on Thursday!

Ted Roche
Ted Roche&  Associates, LLC

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