[no dinner rsvp's, so skipping it this month]

              Dartmouth-Lake Sunapee Linux User Group
              a chapter of GNHLUG - http://gnhlug.org

The next regular monthly meeting of DLSLUG will be held:

                 Thursday, April 1st, 7-9PM
at:             Dartmouth College, Haldeman 041
              23 North Main Street, Hanover, NH

               All are welcome, free of charge.


7:00  Sign-in, networking

7:15  Introductory remarks

7:20  OpenHatch.org: An Open-Source Involvement Engine
        presented by Parker Phinney

      Parker Phinney (Dartmouth '12) has just returned to campus after
      spending the Winter working for the Philadelphia-based startup
      company OpenHatch.org. OpenHatch is an "open source involvement
      engine"--a community website that aims to make open source
      software development more approachable, friendly, and fun!
      Parker will talk about some specific areas where participating
      in open source seems less fun or less exciting, and the things
      that OpenHatch is doing to remedy them. He wants to hear YOUR
      feedback about what you think that open source is missing and
      what sorts of features you would like to see from a site like
      OpenHatch.org. Also, time permitting, Parker may talk about Pair
      Programming and the other Extreme Programming techniques that he
      learned about while working at OpenHatch.

8:50  New York Minute

      By popular request: bring your ideas, questions, advertisements,
      job offers/searches, etc., we'll go 'round the horn and make
      introductions and announcements.


                       Driving Directions

       Please see the website for links to driving directions.


       We currently lack a refreshment sponsor.  If you or your
       company would like to provide or sponsor refreshments,
       please get in touch.


       RSVP by replying to this e-mail so we can give any
       refreshment sponsor a count.

                          Mailing Lists

       There are two primary mailman lists set up for DLSLUG, an
       Announce list and a Discuss list. Please sign up for the
       Announce list (moderated, low-volume) to stay apprised of
       the group's activities and the Discuss list (unmoderated)
       for group discussion. Links to the mailing lists are on the

                        Tell Your Friends

       Please pass this announcement along to anyone else who may
       be interested.

Bill McGonigle, Owner
BFC Computing, LLC
Telephone: +1.603.448.4440
Email, IM, VOIP: b...@bfccomputing.com
VCard: http://bfccomputing.com/vcard/bill.vcf
Social networks: bill_mcgonigle/bill.mcgonigle
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gnhlug-announce mailing list

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