Join us on Monday, August 16th at 7:00pm for the next meeting of the New 
Hampshire Ruby Users Group.  This month we have Brian Cardarella talking about 
his client_side_validations gem:

    The client_side_validations gem is an extract from a Democratic
    National Committee project. It quickly and easily allows you to mimc
    the validations in a given model on the client-side.

In addition, Brian Turnbull will be presenting his experience interfacing C 
with Ruby:

    Ruby is great.  But sometimes you need the speed, control, or ubiquity
    of plain old C.  In this talk, we'll examine interfacing Ruby with an
    existing C API and also writing new Ruby modules and classes in C.

**** New Location ****

Mark Galvin of the NHICC is opening his doors to host this month's meeting.  
The NHICC is located on the campus of the Pease International Tradeport at 75 
Rochester Avenue, Portsmouth, NH -- Directions from the NHICC site:

Google Maps Link to Meeting Location:,-70.810339&hl=en&geocode=&mra=dme&mrcr=0&mrsp=1&sz=17&sll=43.079828,-70.809342&sspn=0.005258,0.006963&ie=UTF8&ll=43.084311,-70.805082&spn=0.021031,0.027852&t=h&z=15
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