Just a friendly reminder that the Manchester LUG (aka ManchLUG) will
be meeting this Tuesday.

 Wings Your Way
 1181 Elm St.
 Manchester, NH (Corner of Elm and Bridge)

Date: August 24, 2010
Time: 6:30 for casual pre-meeting drinks and food  7:00 for "official" meeting.

To facilitate and coordinate we've setup this event page:

We currently have 12 people signed up as well as 3 or 4 others who
have expressed interest but are not signed up.

You *do not* have to sign-up, but if you choose to it will help us
with planning as the room we're scheduled to use can only hold a
certain number of people before beards start rubbing.

As this is our first time coordinating, the agenda is very loose
(Read: we have no speaker ;).  So come on down, meet up with your
fellow *nix enthusiasts and we'll see what we can get going for future
Manchester meetings.


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