PySIG                    Manchester, NH                23 September 2010
                Django, Presented by Bill Freeman
Bill Freeman writes,

  Django is a pleasant way, using Python, to create a significant web
  site, including much more than static pages.

  I have been a significant contributor to several Django based web
  sites which my employer has deployed for paying customers, so I've had
  to figure out how this stuff really works, and I'm willing to share.

  I will introduce its primary architectural features by following the
  flow of web requests through URL path parsing, database access and
  update, template rendering, and more.

  An example web site being developed for a potential short course in
  Django development will be used to demonstrate the features.  An early
  version of course materials, including code, will be available, and
  can be discussed if there is interest and if time permits.

PySIG -- New Hampshire Python Special Interest Group
Amoskeag Business Incubator, Manchester, NH
23 September 2010 (4th Thursday)   7:00PM     (Beginner's Q&A at 6:30PM)

The monthly meeting of PySIG, the NH Python Special Interest Group,
takes place on the fourth Thursday of the month, starting at 7:00 PM.

A beginners' session precedes, at 6:30 PM.  (Bring a Python question!)
Favorite-gotcha contest; problem-solving group consultation/advice to
the lovelorn (converting VB screens to something better?); more.

Milk, anyone?  (Volunteer, that is?)

Janet's cookies - 

    >>> from __future__ import cookie_recipe
      File "<stdin>", line 1
    SyntaxError: future feature cookie_recipe is not defined
guess_we'll_find_out_on_Thursday'ly yrs,

Bill (Sconce)

About PySIG:
    PySIG meetings are typically 10-20 people, around a large table
    equipped with a projector and Internet hookups (wired and
    wireless).  We encourage laptops and a hands-on seminar style.
    The main meeting starts at 7 PM; officially we finish circa 9 PM.  
    Everyone is welcome.  ("Membership" is anyone who has an interest
    in the Python progamming language, whether on Microsoft systems
    or Linux or OS X; or cell phones, mainframes, or space stations.
    We have everyone  from object-oriented gurus to recovering COBOL
    programmers.)  Tell your friends!
Beginners' session:
    The half hour before the formal meeting (i.e., starting at 6:30PM)
    we have a beginners' session.  Any Python question is welcome -- 
    whoever asks the first question gets the half hour!  Questions are
    equally welcome by mail beforehand (in which case we can announce
    them) or at the meeting.  (As are all Python questions, anytime.)

Mailing list:

About Python:
    "Python is a dynamic object-oriented programming language that
    can be used for many kinds of software development. It offers 
    strong support for integration with other languages and tools, 
    comes with extensive standard libraries, and can be learned
    in a few days.  Many Python programmers report substantial 
    productivity gains and feel the language encourages the 
    development of higher quality, more maintainable code."

    "NASA uses does Rackspace, Industrial Light&Magic,
    AstraZeneca, Honeywell, and many others."

    Google: "Python has been an important part of Google since the
    beginning, and remains so as the system grows and evolves." 
    -Peter Norvig

About Amoskeag Business Incubator:
    Our gracious hosts are the Amoskeag Business Incubator, an
    organization providing a supportive entrepreneurial environment
    that stimulates the growth of businesses to ensure economic
    vitality and encourage job creation, by providing affordable
    office space and technical assistance to early stage companies.
    PySIG and GNHLUG thank the ABI for their generous hospitality.

    PySIG NH meetings are held at the Amoskeag Business Incubator,
    33 South Commercial Street, Manchester, NH.

    Coming in to Manchester using I-293, from the north:
        o Use Exit 5 ("Granite Street") from I-293.  Stay to the left
          at the bottom of the ramp, to turn left (east). Go under
          I-293 and cross the bridge over the Merrimack River.
    Coming in to Manchester using I-293, from the south:
        o Use the Granite Street exit.  Turn right (east).  Go under
          I-293 and cross the bridge over the Merrimack River.

    After crossing the bridge:
        o Turn right (south) at the first light.  This is South
          Commercial Street.

        o Go past one parking-lot entrance, turn right into the second
          one.  33 Commercial Street will be right in front of you.  
          You may go in via either the ramp or the door and up three
          steps inside.

        o Inside.  Up the stairs if via the door.  Go through the
          glass doors - follow the diamonds on the floor.  Go left 
          at the last diamond.   (Under a sign which says 
              "<- Amoskeag Small Bus. Incubator").

        o More diamonds, another sign...  much glass and office
          space for SNHU; turn left there, 4 more diamonds and 
          you're at the glass doors for the Incubator.  An "abi"
          sign is above.

        o Through the doors, straight down the hall.  The ABI
          Conference Room is on the left.

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(c) 2009 In Spec, Inc.:
$Id: pysig.announcement 5028 2010-09-17 18:34:47Z sconce $   $Rev: 5028 $
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