Join us on Tuesday January 25th for ManchLUG in Manchester, NH.

6:30 PM - Casual pre-meeting, food + drinks. (Eat, Drink, Geek-out)

7:30PM - General announcements followed by POSSIBLE "Lightning Talks".

I say possible because we need people to volunteer. I may be doing a
quick Boxee demo if anyone is interested.  I'm looking for 3-4 other
folks who would like to do a quick demo/talk on topics for ~5-10
minutes.  Any takers?

Respond to the list, or directly. Either way, let me know!

Wings Your Way
1181 Elm St.
Manchester, NH (Corner of Elm and Bridge)

To facilitate and coordinate we've setup this event page:

You do not have to sign-up for the event, but if you choose to it will
help us with planning.

gnhlug-announce mailing list

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