I just got an email from folks at USENIX asking me to pass this on.
Please follow the links for more information; this is all I know:

Invitation to attend:
The 25th Annual Large Installation System Administration Conference (LISA)

LISA's in Boston December 4-9, 2011 (next week!).  With the addition of
new speciality presentations and training, the breadth and quality of
this year's tutorials, refereed papers, invited talks, and
participants is unparalleled. 2011 LISA Conference highlights

* The technical program with must-see invited talks such as:
- The DevOps Transformation
- The Operational Impact of Continuous Deployment
- IBM's Jeopardy!-winning Watson Supercomputer

* Practice and Experience presentations sharing real-life experiences
on topics ranging from configuration management to security.

* Over 40 tutorials taught by top instructors including:
- Tobi Oetiker on RRDtool
- Tom Limoncelli on Time Management for SysAdmins
- Ted Ts'o on Data Recovery
- Nan Lui on Puppet
- Mark Burgess on Cfengine

* "Guru Is In" sessions: get answers to your toughest questions.

* The Vendor Exhibition highlighting new products and services
and a look at who is hiring.

* LISA's famed "hallway track" offers ample opportunity to meet and
mingle with colleagues and industry leaders during breaks, BoFs, and
other social activities.

WHAT: LISA '11: 25th Large Installation System Administration Conference
WHEN: December 4-9, 2011
WHERE: Boston, Massachusetts, USA Sheraton Boston Hotel
WHO: System administrators, network administrators, DevOps, CIOs, CTOs,
researchers, tool providers, support and help desk personnel, etc.
WHY: Get the practical information you need to succeed.
HOW: http://www.usenix.org/lisa11/progm

Evening BoFs and Exhibits are free: just drop in!

PS: Help us promote!
-- Banners and buttons: http://www.usenix.org/events/lisa11/promote.html
-- Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=283935088299936
-- Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/LISAConference #lisa11

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