On Tue, 2002-08-27 at 23:39, Jon Hall wrote:

> As to access points, I got an SMC, which has three wired ports, a parallel
> printer port that works with both windows and Linux and allows them (and my
> notebook working off a wireless LAN) to share a printer, and a WAN port for the
> DSL modem.  The unit uses a web browser to set it up, and has been working
> flawlessly for several months now.

I was just looking at some SMC gear. They have a new 802.11b
WAP/Firewall called the "Barricade Turbo" that does 22MBit/sec (if you
have cards that will do it), and it has 256-bit WEP encryption. I might
be able to use this to replace my Linux firewall so I can use that box
for other things. I just don't know how robust these firewalls are (I do
some pretty wierd stuff, like port redirection, forwarding, NAT, Masq,
etc.). The product description is at

> I bought a 900 MHz phone, which sits happily next to it.  The phone is not
> affected by either the wireless LAN nor the microwave.

I don't have a cordless phone. Maybe I should join the 20th century, eh?
> >And why did they go from b to g? What happened to c,d,e, and f??
> Actually they went from "b" to "a" to "g".....and probably the same reason
> that the Ford Model "T" car had a follow-on model that was the Model "A".

Ahhh.... Marketing. Get people to buy it by confusing them to the point
where they don't remember what they wanted or why ;-)

"Tact is just *not* saying true stuff" -- Cordelia Chase

Kenneth E. Lussier
Sr. Systems Administrator
Zuken, USA

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