In a message dated: Tue, 08 Oct 2002 09:07:25 EDT

>>> I have seen user levels implemented in only two places: Once was the
>>> venerable GeoWorks (nee PC/GEOS) GUI for MS-DOS.  The other is in the
>>> "Nautilus" system browser.
>> If this ever did exist in Nautilus, it's been removed.
>  Well, it exists in every version I have seen.  Likely, it was lost with
>GNOME 2.0, which is a complete re-write of almost everything.  Whether it
>will be added back in is, apparently, in some doubt.
>> Actually another place this existed is in the Sawfish WM.
>  Oh yeah.  I forgot about that.

I believe it also existed in MacOS at some point, didn't?  Nautilus 
was originally developed by a bunch of ex-Mac developers, including 
Andy Hertzfeld (sp?) who is the "mastermind" of the Mac interface

My understanding was that the nautilus design came from stuff they 
had worked on at Apple for the Mac.

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   but I'm really actively waiting for all my problems to go away.

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