In a message dated: Wed, 13 Nov 2002 20:28:49 EST

>  Generally true, I expect, but there are still reasons to use awk.  


>> Awk has a lot of limitations which don't exist in perl, like line length
>> (1024 characters?), etc.
>  FWIW, I believe gawk has removed many of those.  Of course, if you've got
>the GNU tools, there is little reason not to have Perl, too.  :)

True, but didn't the OP say they were on Solaris without access to 
the GNU tools? (maybe I'm confusing discussions).

>  Also FWIW, this awk code
>       awk -F/ '{ print $NF }'
>appears to run about 4 times faster than this Perl code
>       perl -F'/' -ane  'print "$F[$#F]";'

You know, I was trying to make that determination yesterday, but kept 
getting interupted, and therefore never got around to it :)


>, at least in my quick tests.  I mention this out of curiosity more than
>anything else; I highly doubt the performance difference could ever matter
>in practice.

Probably not, but, it also depends upon the application.  If this 
type of thing were being done from a web app running from a CGI, it 
might turn out to be faster with perl if the use mod_perl than 
spawning a new awk instance every time.  (purely speculation on my 


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