On Wed, 15 Jan 2003, at 11:34am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> P.S. My favorite (not) windows bugs are the ones associated with the AMD
>> K6 processors. You end up with a very unstable machine but when you put
>> Linux or any of the NT variants on these systems magically everything
>> works.
> To be fair, Linux had some problems with the Athlon (and K6s?) for a
> while.

  I presume you're talking about the stability issue mentioned here:


  Basically, the problem was with Linux.  The kernel was improperly managing
memory caching.  This happened to work on Intel's chips, but the Athlon
tripped over it.  It only occurred with the Athlon, not the K6.

> That combined with the long process of getting windows (re)installed on an
> Athlon convined me to get a P4 this time around.  First time I've owned an
> Intel desktop in 13 years.

  *shrug*  Intel's stuff is hardly immune to problems.  FDIV bug, anyone?  
There's no such thing as a perfect CPU.

  If I were buying a new system today, I might buy a P4, because the P4
processors are currently out-pacing the Athlon by a significant margin, and
the Athlon *has* forced Intel to keep their prices down (we can thank AMD
for that, if nothing else).  The Athlon is actually a better processor
design, but the P4 is so much faster it doesn't matter for most things.

  On the other hand, dual-processor Athlon rigs are comparatively cheap.  

  On the gripping hand, my 1.2 GHz Athlon is faster than I need already.


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