On Wed, 22 Jan 2003, Hewitt Tech stated in their Email:

hewitt> From: Hewitt Tech <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
hewitt> Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2003 19:26:40 -0500
hewitt> Subject: Re: Email hosting (was: ATTBI/Comcast rant)
hewitt> Ah yes, but why, after a pile of telecommunications companies
hewitt> went bankrupt laying thousands of miles of buried fibre-optics
hewitt> cables are we still talking about dial-up connections? What
hewitt> *does* it cost to deliver high speed? For that matter, I think
hewitt> copper/fibre is passé. It should be possible to use wireless
hewitt> and it ought to be dirt cheap. When Mediaone delivered
hewitt> cable-modem service in our area they thought they'd be doing
hewitt> well if they got a 3% penetration. One of their techs told me
hewitt> that in fact they were achieving 17% and higher depending on
hewitt> the town they were operating in. I know there has been a big
hewitt> improvement in the speed of connections over the last few
hewitt> years but we're not exactly using 110 baud modems anymore are
hewitt> we? Should I expect to pay $100k for a shiny 2.8 gig P4
hewitt> computer? Ah the good old days, not!

Oh yeah - I remember buying an AT&T 8MHz 8086 PC, twin 
floppies, no HDU, mono (green) monitor, 640KB RAM, and 
I paid twice what I just paid for a shiny new Athlon 
with 512MB DDR memory (another 64MB on video card), 60GB 
HDU, CD-burner, 19" flat-panel...  but I have to admit, 
I still have that old 8086  ;)

hewitt> -Alex
hewitt> P.S. What we're seeing here is a consolidation of providers
hewitt> who can get away with high prices because they are monopolies.
hewitt> Verizon hasn't exactly pushed DSL and most of the companies
hewitt> that depended on them to provide the lines were driven out of
hewitt> business. These guys really aren't competing. I saw a
hewitt> discussion on the Libranet mailing list recently where some
hewitt> Canadians were relating the cost of DSL and cable-modem in
hewitt> their areas. They were paying about 1/3 of what we pay.

This is beginning to sound like a broken record!  First 
it was prescription drugs - up north the senior citizens 
have buses which transport them to Canada to fill their 
prescriptions (some companies are even opening up "store 
fronts" to eliminate the trip), and 
now it's the hi-tech world.

While I agree with Ben on how drastic the cuts have been 
for higher speed connections, it's not like the telco's 
are constantly paying out funds to totally upgrade their 
systems.  Once a community is wired/rewired (be it phone 
or cable), it's wired.  There are repairs associated 
with the new equipment, and the usual upgrades from some 
central point to "the world", but the initial outlay of 
funds to wire the community, the lion's share of the 
costs, is done.

And I thought the break-up of MA-BELL was supposed to 
increase competition and decrease prices...  ;)


hewitt> ----- Original Message -----
hewitt> From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
hewitt> To: "Greater NH Linux User Group" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
hewitt> Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2003 7:00 PM
hewitt> Subject: Re: Email hosting (was: ATTBI/Comcast rant)

[... snip ...]

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