I've had a few people tell me that they can't read pdf files
from my web space at MV.

        I have no trouble, with either Mozilla or Netscape, from
Linux, or with I.E./AcrobatReader(5.0) from a W98 box.

        But I've seen the problem with my boss's XP box.  Even though
he can read other pdf files from the web, he gets a truncated and
mangled file, even if I tel I.E. to save as rather than try to open it
itself.  If I put the file on his machine (using samba from my
laptop), he can read it fine.

        My pdf files tend to be produced by pdflatex, or one of the
other tex related tools.  I'm wondering if there isn't some magic
header that XP/I.E. may be being anal about looking for, or some kind
of MIME type info from the server that mv may not be generating
correctly based on the file extension, etc., and whether I'm likely to
be able to hack things up to fix it (e.g.; add a header by hand).

        Any thoughts?

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