
I've got a CGI (CGIa) that runs just fine regardless of what DocumentRoot is 
defined as.  I've got another CGI (CGIb) which seems to only work with 
DocumentRoot set to /var/www.

Both CGIs are perl.  Everything is set owner/group of www.

The one difference that I can see is that CGIb needs to read 
from/write to /var/lib/subdir (also owner/group = www).

When DR is set to /var/www everything seems to work fine.
When I set it to something else, CGIb stops working correctly.
>From what I can tell, it breaks down when it needs to write to

My httpd.conf has nothing in it mentioning /var/lib/ anything, so I 
can't quite see why this works with one DR setting, but not the other.

Anyone have any ideas?



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   but I'm really actively waiting for all my problems to go away.

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