In a message dated: Fri, 07 Mar 2003 12:06:35 EST
David Andrew - Sun MDE said:

>If everyone top-posted, the thread would be intact, and it would save a 
>lot of wasted time searching through the message to get the part added 
>with the new e-mail.

It would also make every e-mail incredibly huge, and people on 
dial-up connections shouldn't have to wait forever to download huge 
e-mails like that.  It also wastes a huge amount of bandwidth, and 
space in the archives.

The whole point of interleaved comments is to be able to strip out 
all that unnecessary to the point trying to be made, while leaving 
enough context for those who haven't followed the entire thread to be 
able to jump in at any point and understand what's going on.

>If someone wants to see the history, it's there, but not in the way of easy 
>and quick processing of messages in a thread.

If you use a threaded mail client, you can quickly jump to the 
beginning of the thread and review what was said earlier.

>I'd also like to see the elimination of the 12 to 16 extraneous lines in 
>the messages received from this alias, so I could see the 1 or 2 line 
>message without having to page down.

12 to 16 lines?  What lines are those?  I see 4 at the bottom of 
messages, and 6 in the headers.  What 12-16 are you referring to?

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   but I'm really actively waiting for all my problems to go away.

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