> Paul Lussier wrote:
>> Memo: Potential depletion of lumineferous electrons
>> From:  Paul Reisenfern, Director
>>        Office of Health and Safety, Computer Division
>> To:    All Computer Users
>> Date:  1 April 2003
> [...]
> Check out the CPAN.  http://cpan.org/

Maybe my humor circuits have burned out, but... CPAN doesn't look a whole
lot different to me today than usual.  (Though my Wanda the Gnome Fish
looks suspiciously dead...)


"Now the world has gone to bed     Now I lay me down to sleep;
 Darkness won't engulf my head:    Try to count electric sheep.
 I can see by infrared.            Sweet dream wishes you can keep:
 How I hate the night.             How I hate the night.
                                         -Douglas Adams

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