I just want to get my log files off another server, using cron, on a
daily basis, so that I can run analysis locally.

I figured the best way to get the logs would be to use rsync, since i
would need to specify a password in the cron/shell script, and I know
that rsync supports a password.

So, I tried this command (n is just to do a test run):
rsync -vn --rsh=/usr/bin/ssh
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/home/buzgate/www_logs/* /var/log/httpd

according to man rsync, I can either use a password file and the
--password-file option, or I can set the environment variable
RSYNC_PASSWORD to avoid the password prompt when scripting rsync

The password-file option certainly didn't work (i would still get
prompted for a password), and even 

export RSYNC_PASSWORD="myPassword"

isn't working.

If I 


i get myPassword, so I know that the variable is set.

/me stumped.

If you know what I'm doing wrong, or if you just know an easy way for me
to scp or rsync a log file from cron I would be very happy.



Greg Rundlett
Sr. Internet Systems Architect
Knowledge Institute
creators of the Business Utility Zone Gateway
at www.buzgate.org
(603) 642-4720

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