On Wed, 28 May 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> In a message dated: Tue, 27 May 2003 20:53:20 EDT
> "Thomas M. Albright" said:
> >Can anyone tell me of a good program that i can give a list of files to 
> >and it will make a music cd out of?
> Are the .ogg files individual songs, or are they small clips of a 
> larger "live" recording?  The reason I ask is that with a "live" 
> recording, the standard 2 sec spacer between songs is rather 
> annoying, but with non-live stuff, it's rather normal and unnoticable.
They're all individual songs.

> If it's live stuff, then I recommend 'gcdmaster' which is a graphical 
> front-end to cdrdao.  If it's not live stuff, then try 'cdrecord', 
> which is a command-line program and can be invoked as such:
>       cdrecord <options> dev=<device> <track options> [track1...trackN]
> I've often done things like:
>       cdrecord dev=/dev/scd1 -speed=8 `grep -v \# file.txt`
But how does cdrecord convert the .ogg file into a cdda 'file'? I want 
to be able to play this in a regular cd player.

> Or something like that in order to make "mix" CDs.
> HTH,
Somewhat, thanks. :)

TARogue (Linux user number 234357)
 "I do not believe that they are like the Scots or the Welsh and doubt
 that they ever will be. The real British interest would I think be
 served best by pushing them towards a United Ireland rather than tying
 them closer to the United Kingdom. Our own parliamentary history is one
 long story of trouble with Ireland."
 -- Sir Alex Douglas-Hume (13 March 1972)

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