Morbus Iff wrote:
 >As a follow-on to my talk about Perl last month I thought I'd put
 >together a handy code framework that is very useful for creating command
 >line or cron based utilities.

See also:

Thanks for sharing the pointer!

>#!/usr/bin/perl -w

If you're looking for crossplatform fun,
"use warnings" is more portable than the -w.
Good to know, I never tried using perl for other than experiments on

># Basic verbosity shows at least the program version to the user. ># By comparing for verbosity > some value each bit of output ># can be fine tuned into different verbosity levels. >print "myprogram version $VERSION\n" if $Verbose > 0;

If you use $0 here, you can save yourself some editing.

True, but only in the main code body itself. Once you get into the data
section after the __END__ indicator this no longer works. So you can't
use it in the pod text to auto-substitute the program name there.


Dan Coutu
Managing Director
Snowy Owl Internet Consulting, LLC

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