Cole Tuininga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> "The best firewall is a pair of wire cutters."
> -Unknown, from the net

For some reason, this reminded me of the following snippet, which is
from Chuck Shepherd most excellent News of The Weird:

: ** Police in Albany, Ore., were looking this week for an extremely
: incompetent warehouse burglar.  All they know is that they found
: singed bolt cutters and burned clothing beside a live, 440-volt wire,
: along with part of a human scalp.   Albany Democrat-Herald 
: <> 

The mind boggles.  (and the scalp singes...)

Kevin D. Clark / Cetacean Networks / Portsmouth, N.H. (USA)!kclark (GnuPG ID: B280F24E)!kdc

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